Useful Links
Our aim is to help our members reach their full potential through professional growth and development. We also provide resources for members to apply for positions and connect with like-minded professionals. Become part of the NVWEA family today and start making a difference in your career.
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality: Operator Certification
California State Water Resources Control Board: Operator Certification
Nevada Administrative Code 445A, Section 287
This link will take you to the Nevada Adiminstrative Code (NAC) section that applies to Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator certification.
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Safe Drinking Water
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Water Pollution Control
WEF Manuals​
WEF Skills Builder Exam Quizzes The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is now offering online exam quizzes on wastewater and laboratory topics. This is a great resource if you are preparing to take a certification exam or simply want to test your knowledge. Quizzes are available in fundamental, intermediate and advanced categories. New quizzes are posted every month.
WEF/ABC/C2EP Collection Systems Operators’ Guide to Preparing for the Certification Examination
This book is a revision to the 2002 edition of WEF/ABC Collection Systems Operators’ Guide to Preparing for the Certification Examination, which formerly was titled WEF/ABC Certification Study Guide for Collection Systems Personnel (1993). The book was developed by 13 authors based on sectorwide job analyses and six different need-to-know criteria.