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Updated: Nov 26, 2024

By: Loren Haug

Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to attend WEFTEC, a gathering that brings together utilities, consultants, and vendors from across the water/wastewater industry. I was there as part of the Water Leadership Institute class of 2024 – a program aimed at developing emerging professionals in the industry. I spent the summer collaborating with 59 incredible leaders from all over the industry and learning from past Alumni (several of which are NWEA members). The program culminated with a team project and a graduation at WEFTEC.


When I returned, my colleagues at Stantec kept asking “how was WEFTEC?”. The most truthful answer – overwhelming. There are more events, presentations, and vendors in the exhibit hall to see than time to see them all. It was incredible to spend a week geeking out about wastewater with other people who are passionate about the industry. I encourage everyone to think about attending next year in Chicago!

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NWEA has hosted a bowling competition for many years. We have our own version of the Stanley Cup going too. Every winning team gets added to the trophy, and this year we’re going to have a add a third layer! It’s a nice way to remind yourself of all the great people that have been involved with NWEA through the years. And we all hope to end up on the trophy one day!

This year, team Bowl Movement took home the prize! Congrats to: Chris Kliere, Steve Schaffer, Jeffery Falconer, and Jean Rossignol.

Special thanks to our event sponsors - Black & Veatch and McCarthy.

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Updated: Jul 14, 2024

NWEA was pleased to host our second annual scholarship golf tournament June 21s, 2024. We are thankful to our sponsors and players that made the event possible.

While the day was toasty, we got off to an early start at Revere Golf Course. Our sponsors kept everyone hydrated throughout the day while sharing information and fun. The round concluded with lunch and a raffle. We were able to raise over $3k from this event that will be used for conference attendance scholarships! Our 2024 scholarship winner Gabson was in attendance and shared a few words about his experience.

We thank everyone for their participation and support. We look forward to seeing you all in 2025!

What are conference attendance scholarships? NWEA wants to provide an opportunity for all members to attend the annual conference. The scholarship provides full support to attend our annual conference- including travel expenses, lodging, and registration. In 2025 we will offer at least one operator and one college student scholarship.

Operator scholarships are open to anyone in a career field that requires an NWEA certification, such as operators, maintenance, lab, and industrial waste inspectors.

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